Beautiful India…

“The King will reply, ‘I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.’ Matt. 25-40 Sometimes you see what others are doing for the Kingdom of God and you know you must be apart of it. Let me introduce you to the…

Willy Wonka and God’s Chocolate Factory

Sweets for the Sweet is what, I believe, God says to anyone that will listen! I just love sweets don’t you? I know this sounds bizarre , but I have had dreams about going into a bakery, and as I stand at the threshold wondering whether I should go in or not a lady looks…

The Heart of Life is Good

When I think of what God is trying to accomplish in our lives it makes me feel great, and as I sit here I am reminded of a song I use to play over ,and over, and over again. Perhaps it was a way to remind myself that life has its moments, but it can…

Everybody Needs A Helping Hand…

“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you. or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?…

Clean Up on Isle 10 & Praying on Isle 12

As , my sister, her husband and I were preparing for the holidays we were excited at the chance to go grocery shopping together. That particular day we were all there to purchase what we needed, but also to bless a man that was down on his luck with a cart full of groceries to boot. As my sister,…

Serving Up Soul Food

Have you ever been walking a long , minding your own business, and -BAM!- God lines you up with a divine connection? That is what happened to me one day when I was in line for the ,daily, employee meal. I know that sounds bizarre to encounter God in these types of moments and atmospheres, but…


One day I was feeling not so cheerful therefore I thought I should venture out, and sit in the park that is close to where I live. As I pulled out my book, The Celebration of Discipline, which was decided previously, to frame the thoughts of my day I immediately felt a wave of sadness come over me for the reality had set in…