DCL Ministries- New Year- New You…in 2022

A Wonderful Devotional by Richard Halverson “I want a God with a face on, “said a little girl to her minister one day–thereby expressing a childlike, nevertheless profound, desire for reality in religion. She was not satisfied with some nebulous, ethereal abstraction for God. She wanted something definite, tangible. She wanted a someone for a…

The Women God Used- REVISED COPY

Deborah Lassiter is a radio personality, author, and alumnus of Lancaster Bible College:Seminary and Graduate School, with a degree in Science & Biblical Studies. She is the founder of DCL Ministries; a digital platform that encourages others toward a personal relationship with Christ. For availability, submit request via contact page. There is a misconception that…

DCL Ministries Sunday Devotional with POTN

Happy Sunday to you all. It is a wonderful day for change, laughter, and new memories. The Christian walk is a humbling walk, but I’m not alone in my journey, trials, tears and triumphs, because I team up every 4th Sunday with such an amazing group of women who share what God has placed in…

DCL Ministries Celebrate’s Father’s Day

Happy Father’s Day! What a special day for those dad’s who cherish, raise, teach, and provide for their little one’s. I still marvel at why Mother’s Day is so much bigger and more commercialized than Father’s Day. Doesn’t it take two people to have a baby…naturally? Nonetheless, whether you are a father or a mother,…

DCL Ministries Sunday Devotional With POTN with Christ

Happy Sunday to you all. It is a wonderful day for change, laughter, and new memories. The Christian walk is a humbling walk, but I’m not alone in my journey, trials, tears and triumphs, because I team up every 4th Sunday with such an amazing group of women who share what God has placed in…

DCL Ministries Sunday Devotional with Putting On The New Magazine

Happy Sunday to you all. It is a wonderful day for change, laughter, and new memories. The Christian walk is a humbling walk, but I’m not alone in my journey, trials, tears and triumphs, because I team up every 4th Sunday with such an amazing group of women who share what God has placed in…