Do you have something to say? Nothing is as it should be…

Here at DCL Ministries we encourage conversation. We want to hear what you have to say about what’s going on in your neck of the woods so, if you are feeling something just post-it. I remember in the summer when I was knee deep in traffic, I began to stare at this gorgeous cherry blossom tree as a way to soak in the sun’s rays while bumper to bumper. I remember thinking that the weather was just beautiful and the temperature was just right. I will never forget what Holy Spirit whispered to me He said, if you think this is beautiful imagine if you were to see it the way God really made it. Wow, my heart sank for that was the moment I was reminded that nothing is as it should be, but in all hope we must continue to believe, because He who promises is faithful.

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  1. It was a pleasure meeting you last week. Any woman that will stop and pray with me in the middle of getting coffee from “Our Wawa” is an angel I will always be grateful for. Your positivity and prayer in that moment has helped me move my pen to paper and furthermore I would love the opportunity to share my testimony with you as a woman of Christ. I appreciate you. I thank you.


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