Beyond the Face of the Movies

Beyond the Face of the Movies was released July 7, 2016.  Be sure to pick up your copy at Barnes and Noble,, Kindle, Apple ibook, Kindle and Nook. 

This, non-fiction, inspirational book is packed with power and promise and will take a closer look behind the lights, camera and action of your life.

Have you ever wondered why after watching a movie you are left with a residue of emotions? Some people experience a sense of peace, empowerment, exhilaration, fear or maybe a better understanding of how to deal with a personal issue. By juxtaposing Hollywood movies and biblical characters, the author connects the dots for the reader so that by using fundamental biblical principles they can steer through their own life challenges.

What does Bruce Almighty have in common with the biblical Samson? What is Prophet Jonah doing in the Wizard of Oz instead of going down to Nineveh? Find out in this fun and feisty easy-to-read book and while you are at it-you will sense God speaking to you in encouraging, practical and at times convicting ways.

Watch Beyond the Face of the Movies book trailer here.

Find out more…visit book web page here:

DCL Ministries