DCL Ministries Sunday Devotional with POTN

Praise God for all that we have and all that we are becoming, while conforming to His likeness. I am happy that the sunlight has come out today, because after the rain, after the tears, after the pain, troubles, trial, and obstacles I can see clearly, now that the rain is gone. Something about the…

He Has Risen…

How beautiful it must have been when Mary Magdelene realized it was Jesus who she encountered on the road after he had risen. Mary was the first to speak to the risen Christ, but she only discovered it when he said her name…”Mary…” I wonder how many people have been talking to Jesus in their…

Writer’s Corner Ministry of the Month, Author Cathryn Buse ( 4/17)

DCL Ministries is all about encouraging all people to a better life, by adding better tools to your toolbox. For the many who have found themselves in their Christian walk unsure of how to defend their faith, we wanted to feature the wonderful woman of God author of Teaching others to Defend Christianity: What Every…