Choices, Choices, Choices…

Sometimes, life can be downright difficult when we’re presented with too many choices.  It seems like from the moment our eyes open, we are choosing what to wear, which appointments to keep, which friends to hang out with, which classes to take, what job to accept, which city to live in, what diet to begin along with what meal to eat. The list of opportunities might be there, but which way to go? What should we do, and who should we lean on when choosing?

Personally, I love…

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your path straight.” ( Proverbs 3:5-6)

It is hard to not lean on our own understanding, for we think we know best and we also think we know everything. However, this scripture reminds us when we choose to surrender to God’s will, when we choose to allow our lives to be governed by Him it is He who will make our path straight. I know there are many of you who think you are all knowing, but in a world where technology moves faster than we can purchase it–it is this awareness alone that forces me to see how very little I know about the moving, fast pace, world around me.  I love that when I am making life altering decisions to immediately acknowledge God. Perhaps you are getting married, did you talk to God about that? Maybe you are accepting a job and relocating to another state–what did God say about that? Perhaps you are in a horrible situation which has led you to distance yourself from family, friends, and those that love you. Talk to God, acknowledge Him, and ask for His advice. He knows what you need, and He knows how to bring peace, security, stability, safety, and love to your front door.

So I ask, “What choices have you made today?”

DCL Ministries

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